During this time of social distancing and isolation, the people of Cajamarca have had time to reflect on what is meaningful in life. With books from the Rural Libraries to keep them going, and through valuing the local traditions and hard work of farmers, the community is kept alive and thriving. 

Thankfully the network of Rural Libraries held their General Assembly the weekend before the state of emergency was called, which allowed the librarians to exchange books and take them back to their communities before the lockdown. The lockdown is strict in Cajamarca, and no-one is allowed to leave their house between 8 pm and 5 am. Anyone who is found breaking the rules is detained by the police or the army.

Here are some photos of everyone together at the March assembly -  a wonderful time to remember. Librarians, coordinators and families came together to review the activities of the libraries and reunite, ‘’knowing that we are deeply united and cared for as a family and community.’’